
NOTICE OF RACE AND SAILING INSTRUCTIONS 13th Annual LOPEZ CUP CLASSIC YACHT RACE Sponsored by the Lopez Island Yacht Club  and the Lopez Islander Resort  Saturday, September 21st, 2024 Rules: The race will be governed by these sailing instructions and the International Navigation Rules of the Road applicable to theContinueContinue Reading

The Lopez Yacht Club held its first meeting of the 2023 sailing/racing season on January 18th. A schedule of racing and events was proposed, and the following dates and responsibilities assigned: Errors of omission, spelling, and grammar courtesy of Race Committee Chairman, Russ JohnsonContinue ReadingContinue Reading

11th Annual LOPEZ CUP CLASSIC YACHT RACE Sponsored by the Lopez Island Yacht Club  and the Lopez Islander Resort  Sunday, August 21st, 2022 Rules:  The race will be governed by these sailing instructions and the International Navigation Rules of the Road applicable to the San Juan Islands. Divisions:  All yachtsContinueContinue Reading

Ahoy Lopez Island Yacht Club Members We have a lot going on in the next few weeks. We are going to try and get back to in-person General Meetings starting September 15 at the Islander. Please RSVP soon if you plan to attend any of these upcoming events. August 27 – GloryContinueContinue Reading

10th AnnualSponsored by the Lopez Island Yacht Cluband the Lopez Islander Resort Saturday, September 11th, 2021 NOTICE OF RACE AND SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Rules: The race will be governed by these sailing instructions and the International Navigation Rules of the Road applicable to the San Juan Islands. Divisions:All yachts will beContinueContinue Reading