Photo’s From Our Ling Cod Derby & Awards/Dinner
Jump on board for our first Ling Cod Extravaganza! Please join us May 27th in our first ever Ling Cod Derby! If you have ever been interested in fishing for the elusive Ling, here is your chance! Take your boat out, or jump on board one of our members goingContinueContinue Reading
Fishing in The San Juans
Below are links on “How To” for fishing, bait, etc. Bait/Jigs for Halibut More Halibut info in this link below: Good info on Ling Cod in the link below: ReadingContinue Reading
Shrimping Dates Announced ReadingContinue Reading
😊 Fish and Chips 😊
Preliminary 2023 Pacific Halibut Season Dates Puget Sound SubareaMarine Areas 6 – 10: April 6 through May 22, five days per week, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday Memorial Day weekend, open Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 26, 27, and 28 June 1 through June 30, seven days per week If quotaContinueContinue Reading
WDFW NEWS RELEASE Give pregnant killer whales space to forage
I just got this notice from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife thought I would share. JOHN Z August 10, 2020Contact: Eryn Couch, WDFW, 360-890-6604Michael Milstein, NOAA Fisheries, 971-313-1466 Give pregnant killer whales space to forage, agencies and partners request Washington regulations require boaters stay 300 yards from Southern Residents, 400ContinueContinue Reading
Recreational spot shrimp will reopen in Marine Areas 7 West, 7 East
Now that I have put all my Prawn gear away for the season, they Opened some dates in August. Prawning was very good when they closed it so I suspect easy Limits and great dinners. John Z Areas opening for recreational spot shrimp harvest include: Marine Area 7 East (northern RosarioContinueContinue Reading
Fishing the San Juan’s (Area 7) 2020-2021 sport fishing rules
Fishing the San Juan’s is always fun. Catching provides the bonus of a great dinner. 2020-2021 Sport Fishing Rules Download and read the annual fishing pamphlet, which details rules and regulations statewide. Check for any emergency rule changes affecting the species or location you’re fishing. Download the Fish Washington app, which provides up-to-date fishingContinueContinue Reading