Ahoy Members, meet Chuck Hosmer and Janet Gershfield.
Chuck and Janet have owned their Lopez house for 33 years. The saying being ” we bought a dock,and a house came with it.” Being on the water is a lifestyle for them which includes commercial fishing in Alaska, river running, cruising and day sailing. You will find Chuck outContinueContinue Reading
Ahoy Members, meet Rick and Tracey Locke!
Rick began sailing with a trip to the San Juans in a 27’ Thunderbird; plywood sailboat in 1970. He and a friend left Shilshole Marina early in the morning and rounded Iceberg Point on LopezIsland about 20 hours later. That was a big adventure. Tracey learned to sail in an all-women’sContinueContinue Reading
Ahoy Members, meet Lyn and Kat Sorensen!
Lyn and Katherine Sorensen both grew up in the Pacific Northwest. Katherine moved to the PNW at age 12 when her father retired from the air force and returned the family to Washington state where he grew up. Lyn’s ancestors (Weeks) homesteaded on Lopez in the 1800’s, which makes himContinueContinue Reading
Ahoy Members, meet Paul and Anastasia Jespersen!
Paul grew up sailing in the Texas Gulf near NASA and Kemah and later on Lake Michigan and then the Chesapeake Bay. He has also done some racing both classic wooden boats and J boats, including attending J School in Newport. Some of the boats we had growing up includedContinueContinue Reading
Ahoy Members, meet Steve and Pamela Van Vleet!
We retired to Lopez Island in 2019 from Bainbridge Island where we lived for 21 years. While on Bainbridge Island, we enjoyed enjoyed being members of Eagle Harbor Yacht Club. We also had some fun adventures on our own to the San Juan Islands and Gulf Islands.Pamela lived on LopezContinueContinue Reading
Ahoy Members, meet Steve and Becky Tilles!
Steve and Becky met in Southern California where they grew up in neighboring towns not far from Newport Beach. Steve began sailing at age 8, his family purchased a Cal 25 called “Fiel Amigo” in 1972, and he remembers weekend day sailing out of the Balboa Yacht Club and annualContinueContinue Reading
Ahoy Members, meet Aaron M. Johnson, Taryn Laakso, and Zoe!
Aaron loves to be in, on, or at the water’s edge. As a boy, he learned to sail on motorless small sailing vessels such as: Sunfish, Lasers and Hobie Cats on lakes in Northern Lower Michigan. As a young man, he graduated to crewing larger sailing monohulls in the earlyContinueContinue Reading
2024 LIYC Toys Ahoy Toy Drive
LIYC’s Toys Ahoy Toy Drive 2024 Please try and use our local stores for gifts and or gift cards! The 2024 Toys Ahoy Toy Drive is here! We are gathering “unwrapped” toys/gifts in the coming weeks and then plan on bringing them to our club Christmas Dinner on December 7,ContinueContinue Reading
November 2024 Commodores Corner
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