
Posts by club members (contributors) for club members. Please contribute.

Join us for our Holiday Dinner Party @The Islander Resort Clubhouse – 5:00PM MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW – Reservations close on December 4th. Menu and prices are in the Ship’s Store Changing of the Commodore and introducing the 2023 Board!Continue ReadingContinue Reading

From MIke & Christine: As newlyweds, joining the yacht club is our first endeavor as a couple. Christine was born on Lopez and I have lived here for 12 years we first met on a sailboat on a rough day outside cattle pass.  The owner of the boat we wereContinueContinue Reading

From the Wickersham’s: We just moved from our longtime Green Lake neighborhood in Seattle to Bothell.  We  own several shops in the Seattle area and an online jewelry company.  It’s a hectic life so we are really grateful to be able to go out on our boat and just relaxContinueContinue Reading

11th Annual LOPEZ CUP CLASSIC YACHT RACE Sponsored by the Lopez Island Yacht Club  and the Lopez Islander Resort  Sunday, August 21st, 2022 Rules:  The race will be governed by these sailing instructions and the International Navigation Rules of the Road applicable to the San Juan Islands. Divisions:  All yachtsContinueContinue Reading

We sent an email out yesterday to everyone that we had listed attending the North Cruise. If you didn’t receive the email, please contact us so we can include you on future correspondences. We will be putting a list together of all the ports and attendees so everyone will haveContinueContinue Reading

Aren’t we all ready for some laughs together? In honor of April Fools Day, let’s tell each other as many boating-related jokes as we possibly can!  A Call To Action . . . Write out your joke and email it to me ( by April Fools Day, Thursday April 1. All joke stylesContinueContinue Reading