From MIke & Christine:

As newlyweds, joining the yacht club is our first endeavor as a couple. Christine was born on Lopez and I have lived here for 12 years we first met on a sailboat on a rough day outside cattle pass.  The owner of the boat we were sailing on was seasick the whole time and Christine and I had a lovely time sharing stories about how our parents took a Sailing when we were little and gave us our” sea legs” so to speak.   Currently, we trade off sailing Christine’s boat a Left Coastdart 26 “Freya” and my boat a pyramid 660  “HomelessHare” as well as sharing in the interest of a classic 5.5 m Olympic class stripped plank wooden racer.  I hail from King Harbor, Redondo Beach Ca where I was a member of KHYC.  In the future we dream about taking our combined 7 children and two grandchildren on an extended sailboat cruise to Tahiti,  but in the meantime, we are trying to just keep from going over to the “dark-side” and buying a powerboat.

Mike & Christine

To the Membership:

Please say hello to Mike and Christine and welcome them into the club.

In accordance with the club’s By-laws, they have completed all the requirements of sending in their application, initiation fees, photo, etc. Publishing their photo and bio is the last step in the process. After ten days for comments from the membership, the governing board will vote them in for membership.

Members can send comment to our Commodore, Dusty Forster:

1 Comment

  1. Author

    Welcome to the Club Mike and Christine, it was great to see you two at the Halloween Party…See ya soon!

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