
Day 1: Attached are some photos I took from today’s leg from Lopez Island to Ganges Harbor. We had a great sailing day with 15 knot winds and current in our favor. The morning clouds burned off around 9am and we had beautiful sunny weather the whole day!  -Melissa DayContinueContinue Reading

Ahoy Mates, This year the Commodore’s Cruise will take us to Roche Harbor in June.    You might wonder:  Why in June? Initially, it seemed to me that it should be very easy to choose both a date and a destination for the Commodore’s Cruise.  However, as my time to decideContinueContinue Reading

We sent an email out yesterday to everyone that we had listed attending the North Cruise. If you didn’t receive the email, please contact us so we can include you on future correspondences. We will be putting a list together of all the ports and attendees so everyone will haveContinueContinue Reading

Hello Lopez Island Yacht Club Members.I want to open the Commodores Corner by thanking everyone involved in a great opening day. Dusty and Michelle Forster, Sam and Adria Alhadeff, for coordinating the whole thing and cooking a couple of hundred smash burgers. Russ Johnson set up the sailboat race, LaneContinueContinue Reading