Club Calendar

Plotting a course of activities, events, meetings, to-dos, and deadlines through the year.

Reminder: Deadline to sign up for the cruise June 10 To sign up: Email Suzi Jennings at Marinas: Langley, Port Ludlow, Pleasant Harbor, Alderbrook, Port Townsend                (some boats will visit LaConner in route) See all the details in our Calendar >HERE< Members signedContinueContinue Reading

A few photo’s from Bingo Night. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 ST5:00 PM Happy Hour6:00 PM Dinner LIYC will be holding our September Membership Meeting at the Islander.Let’s get together and share our summer stories and play Bingo! Bingo for usstands for: Bilge-Inboard-Navigate-Gunnel-Outboard!!! We will have prizes forthe winners.Click >HERE< to order,ContinueContinue Reading

Thursday, MARCH 16th 5:30 PM Happy Hour, 6:00 PM Potluck Dinner LIYC will be holding our Membership Meeting at The Islander.PRESENTOR: Matt Marriett, Islands Marine Center (IMC)TOPIC: Getting Your Boat Ready For SummerOur traditional and way overdue POTLUCK Dinner is back.The theme is “Best of Taste”, meaning bring your favorite dish,ContinueContinue Reading

The Lopez Yacht Club held its first meeting of the 2023 sailing/racing season on January 18th. A schedule of racing and events was proposed, and the following dates and responsibilities assigned: Errors of omission, spelling, and grammar courtesy of Race Committee Chairman, Russ JohnsonContinue ReadingContinue Reading