While contemplating retirement, Scott asked Nance where she saw herself in five years. She said, “On a boat”. The goal being to spend our retirement living in the islands and exploring the Salish Sea. So, two years ago. we sold our place In Bellingham, moved into our travel trailer, parked it at West Beach Resort on Orcas, and began searching for our island home and a boat “Our Next Place” checklist itemized all the features we wanted In our new home and there were no available properties on San Juan or Orcas that came even close to meeting our wishes. Then, after a few weeks of looking, Nance saw a Zillow listing and said, “Scott, I found our place! It’s on Lopez and ii has a tower!”
To the Membership:
Please say hello to Scott and Nance and welcome them into the club.
In accordance with the club’s By-laws, they have completed all the requirements of sending in their application, initiation fees, photo, etc. Publishing their photo and bio is the last step in the process. After ten days for comments from the membership, the governing board will vote for for membership.
Members can send comments to our Commodore, Bi Christensen.
Welcome Scott & Nance, look forward to meeting both of you!