Lopez Island Yacht Club – May 1st, 2021
The time for our first match race of the year is upon us! We have two Vanguard 15 sailboats for the event. These are two person racing boats and we have opened up this Opening Day Activity to all skill levels. These boats are suitable for getting out on the water, having fun while honing your skills. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned salt, there is room for anyone who wants to participate. What’s not to love?
Participation is key: Not only are you encouraged to sign up early for the race by contacting the Race Chair, but also to to contact us of your interest to participate in getting some assistance in being paired up with a more seasoned sailor.
Saturday, 10:00 am – Skipper’s Meeting at the Islander Dock, Southwest Corner
More ways to participate: In addition, we are needing volunteers to do the race committee (the starts), a chase boat or two / photo boat, and assistance to launch and put the boats away. Let the fun begin!
The official Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions are posted below, but you can also click here for a printable version of the NOTICE OF RACE AND SAILING INSTRUCTIONS.
Rules: The race will be governed by these sailing instructions and the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS 2017-2020) as published by U.S. Sailing. Any changes to these sailing instructions will be announced at the skippers meeting, Islander Resort, before the start of the regatta.
Divisions: There will be two classes for a match racing format, Novice and Pro. Sailors who have sailing experience but little if any racing may enter the Novice class. All more experienced sailors must enter the Pro class. All entries must have a skipper who has basic sailing knowledge and familiarity with sailing rules of the road.
Communication and Check-in: All entrants must check in at the Islander Dock on Saturday morning at 10 am for last minute instructions and race time assignments. Any changes to these Sailing Instructions will be announced at the Islander before the start.
The Course: The course for the races will be set inside Fisherman’s Bay and dependent on wind direction. The course may change between races and be decided just before the start.
The Start and Finish: The start and finish for both classes will be at the southwest corner of the Islander dock.
Protests: There will be no format for a formal protest or a protest committee. We are operating on the honor system. (just like golf) If you foul another yacht, take your 360 penalty turn and continue racing.
Skippers Meeting: A skippers meeting will be held at 10 am on Saturday, May 1st at the Islander Resort dock, Southwest corner.
Awards and After Race Party: There will be a trophy presentation and really cool trophies will be awarded for both class Novice and Pro on the dock following the racing.
Russ Johnson, 2021 Race Committee Chair. He sailed 44 years as a master of towing vessels worldwide. Served as a Director of Safety, Training & Regulatory Compliance while at Dunlap Towing Company. Now utilizes his expertise in the field of maritime investigation and legal consulting.
Contact Russ:
Email: captianrussj@gmail.com
Phone: 425-418-9487