Ahoy Lopez Island Yacht Club Members
We have a lot going on in the next few weeks. We are going to try and get back to in-person General Meetings starting September 15 at the Islander. Please RSVP soon if you plan to attend any of these upcoming events.
- August 27 – Glory of the Seas
An afternoon of wine tasting and conversations with the ship’s crew and some of Lopez’s producers and creators to learn about the Glory’s future. LIYC members interested should contact Shirwin Smith. Details in link below.
- September 11 – 2021 Lopez Cup Classic Yacht Race
All sailors, members and non-members, are invited to participate in this 10th Annual Lopez Cup. Please contact our Race Committee Chair, Russ Johnson. Details in the link below.
- September 15 – LIYC General Membership Zoom Meeting
I originally planned for a wonderful Prime Rib / Salmon sit-down dinner to launch our first General Membership Meeting since the summer cruising hiatus. My thinking was that we were starting to return to some normalcy in the COVID situation. Wrong. The reinstated mask mandate quickly put a kibosh on those plans. I will be scheduling a Zoom meeting so that all of our members can participate.
- September 24-25 – Commodore’s Cruise to Cap Sante
This is usually the Oyster run weekend, but they have canceled the Oyster Run, I have kept our reservations for 15 slips. I also have reserved the Banquet Room at Anthony’s for the evening of the 25th. Please RVSP to John Zaborsky John.Zaborsky@gmail.com ASAP if you plan to attend.
Please welcome our newest members June and Joel Arnold, to the LIYC. I’m looking forward to meeting them at one of our upcoming events.
The Cruise our Rear Commodore, Jan Wagner, put together to the South Sound was a total success. Joyce and I could only make it the first five days but had a great time. I understand it only got better as they went South. The reports made me jealous that I could not make the entire trip. We will get some photos and Port Details up on the LIYC Website as soon as things slow down this fall. Some of these ports you may want to add to your must-do list for the future if you could not attend.
Great news, the Canadian Border is open. I talked to Steve and Andrea Clark aboard Couverden. They were in Canada and had crossed the first day the Border was open. They said it was time-consuming as they had issues with downloading ArriveCan pass app, but it sounded like they were having a good time and that most Ports were wide open with few US boats. Click on the link below to find out more about the ArriveCAN App to comply with the new mandatory travel requirements:
I hope everyone is having a safe and fun summer and can attend some or all of the upcoming events. In closing, if you see Gene Helfman, please congratulate him on getting published his first novel, Beyond the Human Realm, an eco-thriller/animal story for adults about a captive male orca released into the wild and the people and whales instrumental in helping him gain acceptance into orca society. Gene is donating all profits to orca conservation efforts.
More about Gene Helfman and all his books visit: https://genehelfman.pubsitepro.com
In addition to the Amazon link, his book(s) are also available locally at Lopez Bookshop.
~ Commodore, John Zaborsky
Commodore, John Zaborsky
Don’t forget to RSVP with John for the
Commodore’s Cruise to Cap Sante
Sept 24-25.