Introducing our newest members to the club: Roger Taber and Kristi Carpine-Taber.
Please say “Hello” to Roger and Kristi next time you see them. Let them know that you are a member too.
About the Tabers
We are retired sailors. Roger started sailing in high school on a 90 ft Schooner out of Marion, MA where he went up and down the east coast, Nasua and Bermuda. He was the navigator in his Senior year. Kristi started sailing in Jr. High when her father bought a CAL 25. Her family spent up to a five-week vacation in the San Juan and Gulf Islands every summer. In high school, her father got a Westsail 32. Our first date was at Ray’s Boathouse. Kristi showed Roger her father’s Westsail and the rest is history. We took a two-week sailing vacation every year until the kids came along. When they got to middle school, we started up again. Then one summer we rented a cabin on Lopez for a week and ended up buying here in 2006. We still sail on and off with our son out of Shilshole.

As a close neighbor has observed, Kristi can be seen out in Fisherman Bay on her Boston Whaler setting crab pots, or paddling her stand-up paddle board.

Welcome to the Club
The Tabers met all the criteria to become a member, and were voted into the club on September 8th by the Governing Board. We look forward to their participation in future yacht club activities. Meanwhile, we warmly welcome them as members.