Ahoy Maties! It’s that time of the year again. Your 2022 membership dues are now payable online. We know last year was another strange and disappointing year for yacht club activities, but there were also many high points to note. We are hopeful that the tide will turn and we can continue having our common interests to bond us through the coming year.

Attentional all members. Time to renew your membership for 2022.

Reviewing the Purpose of being a Member of LIYC

It is a good time to review what it means to be a member of LIYC. Here are the first two articles in our By-Laws:

Article I of the LIYC By-Laws: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote family boating recreation in all its phases including racing, boating etiquette, safety on the water, improving the marine organizations having comparable goals, as well as advancing fellowship among people interested in boat and boating.

Article II of the LIYC By-Laws: Membership
Membership in this organization shall be open to all boaters who agree to uphold the purpose of the organization stated in Article I and who are willing to accept the obligations of the membership.

What does it mean to be a member? It does not mean that you have to own a boat, but only to have an interest in boating, promotion of safety on the water, and a goal of being a good steward of the seas. A big factor is the part of advancing fellowship among people interested in boats and boating.

That can mean socializing with like minded people. But it doesn’t have to mean that we meet in a physical confined space if we are not comfortable or feel that it is not safe to do so. We’ve created and maintained many opportunities to meet via Zoom meetings, outside functions, and more recently, have required proof of vaccination at indoor events.

Renew Your Membership Now

TO RENEW BY CREDIT CARD, CLICK HERE. (OPEN WITH ADOBE READER), fill it out, save a copy, and attach in an email to our Membership Chair & Treasurer. Then navigate to the Ship’s Store and pay renewal fee online.

TO RENEW BY SENDING A CHECK IN THE MAIL, CLICK HERE. (OPEN WITH ADOBE READER), fill it out, print a copy, and mail it with your check to the Treasurer.

  1. Print and fill it out, mail it to LIYC, P O Box 22, Lopez Island, WA 98261
  2. Or email a scanned copy to Barbara Carver, Membership Chair, at bcarver46@gmail.com or Lane Langford, Club Treasurer, at langford1130@gmail.com.

Please note that our renewal application, has an acknowledgement that is printed in bold letters and asks you to initial it, acknowledging that you are still in agreement with the principals the club.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I (we) agree that membership involvement is very important to maintaining a functioning and vibrant club. I (we) understand that I am (we are) expected to volunteer for events, on occasion, and that I (we) will be asked to serve on committees as well as elected board positions.

More Ways to Participate as a Member

Yes, the club is always looking for volunteers to serve as club officers or on a committee, volunteers to help with hosting and organizing club events, whether in person or remotely. Club officers have their duties outlined, but they’re are always looking for willing participants to help make it more fun for everyone. We have been in past, and still are, all about having fun.

The Vice Commodore is looks for members to be a Membership Meeting Program presenter. One of his duties is finding and signing up Program presenters to share a boating experience, trip, or an educational format to benefit members. He can work with you to do a “dry run” a week or two before the meeting, to give you time to tweak the presentation to your satisfaction. The VC also looks for hosts to decorate the meeting dining tables (when meeting in person), not to mention help with the Opening Day activities which are also part of his duties. You can reach our Vice Commodore, Jan Wagner, here: edenhill@comcast.net.

The Commodore’s duties throughout the year include organizing and presiding over membership meetings, determining the “Commodore’s Cruise” destination and coordinating activities surrounding the cruise, and will certainly entertain any help offered towards that end. He also coordinates the July 4th parade entry and needs volunteers to take a lead with that joint club effort. Later in the year, he appoints a three-member nominating committee to select a slate of officers for the next year. And in December will coordinate the Commodore’s Holiday Party and will be asking members for participation in that event too. Dusty Forster wants to talk with you about any and all club ideas, concerns, and volunteering offers you have. Email at dustyforster@gmail.com.

The Rear Commodore takes on a big challenge every year by working with the board members to agree on a cruising destinations and becomes the contact person for discussing arrangements with the marinas and destinations for the cruise and keeps a list of interested members. The Rear Commodore also coordinates for other near or on the water events such as the Flat Point Clam Bake, The Fisherman Bay Raft Up, and anything else that she may cook up. BJ Christensen (with the help of her husband Pete) have taken up this gauntlet with gusto, and have already outlined an exciting summer cruise North. Finally, we can cruise North again! She has a cruising calendar outlined and will be refining it as the year progresses. BJ can be reached at PeteandBJ@gmail.com.

You can also participate by writing (or copying and pasting together) an article for submission on the club’s Newsline, our online newsletter. The webmaster, otherwise known as the Web Master, is always requesting members to send in their photos of events, or interesting photos that you have taken and want to share. You can send any article you would like to have published (PS. You can decide whether the article/photos are for general viewing or for “members only”) and any photos with a little blurb about the photo to The Web Master. It will help to make our website more interesting and involve the entire membership.

2022 Events Calendar

Meanwhile, your Commodore, Dusty Forster, has a structured this year’s calendar with events and dates, but it will need to be fleshed out as he gets more input from people, like you! Start thinking about how you want to participate in the club this year.

Click the link: Events Calendar

The Event Calendar is located on the Menu Bar. It is a work in progress. In days of yore, the Commodore could confidently create and post a calendar for the year. Yes, there were always events, times and dates that might need to be tweaked, but not to the degree of all the uncertainties that we are challenged with today. So, please be patient, and call Dusty if you have any ideas for adding to the calendar.

2021 Highlights

February 2021 Membership Zoom Meeting Presention by Gene Helfman

Love Letters and Poems to a Boat by Migael Scherer

April 2021 Membership Zoom Meeting Presentation by Leslie Richter

May 2021 Opening Day Regatta

May 2021 Opening Day Weekend

June 2021 – Tacos and Golf

10th Annual Lopez Classic Yacht Race

Halloween 2021 Party

Commodore’s Holiday Party 2021

Thank you for reading this (very long) post in its entirety.

~ The Board of Directors

Send me some photos, articles for the Newsline.

(Also, as a member, you can post items in the Classified Page found in the menu bar).

Dusty Forster

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