Introducing our newest applicants for LIYC membership, Brian Holaburka and Melissa Rohde. Please welcome them to our boating community, by reading their bio, joining our next Zoom membership meeting, or by commenting on this post.
A warm welcome to Brian Holaburka, Melissa Rohde, and family.
Brian and Melissa learned to sail in the San Francisco Bay area during graduate school, but Brian started sailing with his family when he was a young boy. During graduate school, they raced in weekly beer can regattas out of Sequoia Yacht club in Redwood City. They became hooked on cruising after bareboat chartering together in the Gulf Islands and in the Greek Islands. They currently sail a 34′ Gemini, and started cruising again a couple years ago with their kids when they were 1 and 3. Always up for a challenge and adventure, they hope to share their love for cruising in the Salish Sea with their two young children.
In accordance with the club’s by-laws, Brian and Melissa have completed all the requirements of sending in their application, initiation fees, photo, etc. Publishing their photo and bio is the last step in the process. After ten days for comments from the membership, the governing board will vote them in for membership.
Members can send comment to our Commodore, Dusty Forster: