Friday, April 30 – Meet and Greet on the DocksOur host Vice Commodore Dusty and wife, Michelle, here with Club Secretary, Arlene SundJonelle Johnson with Elayne and Joe GolbergSusan Patty with Michelle Forster. Dusty made some outstanding chili and Michelle added some honey muffins, and together were to die for.Phil Henault back from the ranch in MontanaJoe GolbergPaul Henriksen, Dave Welker, Dusty Forster, Jan Wagner, and Wendy MickleMichelle ForsterJonelle and ArleneJudy Welker and Rich SeubertThere were more members up at the Islander, so please send the Web Wench some photos.Saturday, May 1 – Opening Day Regatta, Christening of Boats, Introduction of New Members, and Fabulous Food and FriendsOpening Day 2021 crowd on the docks of the Islander Resort by Lane LangfordLane Langford, on the docks during the regatta, ready to give emotional supportRich Lotz about to christen the Nordic ScoutRich christening Nordic ScoutSuzi and Scott Jennings christening “Blue Skies”And one more, for good measureRich Seubert, new memberRich Lotz, new memberClub members enjoying the festivitiesAdria and Sam Alhadeff, new membersJohn and Barabara with Steve Greenstein and Judy C., new membersKarol Solomon, soon to be member with John Oakley Doug Simmons and John Zaborsky aboard “Growler” Late to the party after a rough crossing, new member Michelle Nelson and husband Bryan Barbara Carver with Leslie Richter, new memberJuli North and Pam ChristensenFabulous Food – Smash Burgers, Salmon Burgers, Potato Salad, Pasta Salad, Soft Drinks, and CookiesSam Aldaheff, new member cooking up Smash Burgers, and Salmon Burgers. Yumm!If you have any photos to add, send to the 2021-05-11