Lopez Island Yacht Club Burgee
Need a new burgee? If you’ve done much cruising, then you know how much abuse your burgee gets two or three seasons. It might be a time to consider buying a new one.
What is a burgee you ask? Almost every Yacht Club has a unique Burgee (flag) that identifies their member’s boats facilitating reciprocal privileges. There’s a lot written about etiquette on how to fly your Burgee depending on vessel type. Modern sailing vessels fly the burgee from a lanyard under the starboard spreader on the main mast. While older sailing vessels fly the burgee from the main masthead. Power boats fly their Burgee off a short staff on the bow. Yachties love “Opening Day” when they get to parade their yachts and fly their Burgees.
Here is but one link to Flying a Flag etiquette: USPS – United States Power Squadron
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