In accordance to the LIYC Bylaws, the nominating committee has submitted to the board a full slate of nominations for 2023.
The LIYC Board of Directors has approved this slate and is hereby announcing their recommended slate of officers for the 2023 calendar year to be voted on by the general membership at the November 16th meeting.
LIYC 2023 Slate of Officers
Commodore: Jan Wagner
Vice Commodore: Bj Christensen
Rear Commodore: Melissa Rohde
Secretary: Arlene Sund
Treasurer: Lane Langford
Staff Commodore: Dusty Forster
Trustee: John Zaborsky
If there are no objections to the slate, there will be a vote for the new officers at the November 16th General Membership Meeting. They will be installed at the December 10th Holiday Party, and assume their duties on January 1, 2023.
Nominating Committee Fills the Rear Commodore Position
The nominating committee had put the word out several months ago to find a member to fill the Rear Commodore position. They were fortunate to find and nominate Melissa Rohde who has agreed to fill the spot and who will be fantastic assets on the board.
Melissa Rohde has been nominated for Rear Commodore. The chief duties of Rear Commodore involve the planning of the year’s cruising destinations.
If you are reading this, please think of volunteering. This is an entirely volunteer club and we need everyone’s participation to make it work. There are appointment positions as well that will soon need to be filled
We hope to see all of you at our General Membership Meeting and Dinner on November 16th.
~ LIYC Board of Directors