Dear Mates,
With John Steinbeck’s profound words in mind, and as the first light of our October 29 morning lingered still hours away, Belinda and I carefully loaded the last of our luggage into our trusty, seasoned, 2018 Toyota RAV 4.

Minutes later, Interstate 5 unfurled like a narrative thread beneath our tires, escorting us through a tapestry of landscapes and an array of characters, each contributing to the unique, living novel that was our journey. As the days unfolded and the crisp air of the Emerald City transitioned into the golden hills of California, each southward mile grew progressively warmer, offering a subtle invitation to shed both physical layers and mental preconceptions.

Throughout the ensuing days we traced the asphalt ribbons that sketched lines from the Pacific Northwest, winding through evergreens, scaling mountains, and crossing deserts blanketed with saguaros to reach the haciendas of Mexico.

Echoing our final September boat cruise through the San Juan archipelago, this drive offered ample time for introspection. Our road trip became a sanctuary for stepping away from the cacophony of everyday life, delving into our deepest thoughts and feelings, and paving the way for self-discovery and growth.

At each juncture of our route, our interactions with people from diverse backgrounds – often in the most unexpected locales, underscored the fundamental value of kindness and connection.

These encounters broadened our perspectives, fostering a profound sense of empathy and emphasizing the enrichment that unexpected connections bring to our lives.

The natural wonders we witnessed throughout the trip instilled a deep reverence for the environment and the simpler facets of life. It was a reminder that true joy is often derived not from material possessions but from experiences and the inherent beauty of nature.

Traveling through varied landscapes accentuated the splendor of each moment. Distanced from the distractions of daily life, it became easier to appreciate the “here and now,” understanding that life is an anthology of such moments.

The landscapes transformed from towering mountains to desert plains adorned with cacti, yet the horizon remained a constant – a distant line where dreams and sky converged. Along the way, there were no pretenses, only the raw truth of the journey and the seemingly endless asphalt. We drove with the intent to embrace every aspect of it.

Inherent in any lengthy road trip are unforeseen challenges, such as a flat tire or a misdirected path. However, navigating these situations provided valuable lessons in resilience and creativity, indispensable skills in the art of living. While the road was unforgiving, it also offered redemption in its sternness. For the most part, our existence became just the essentials – fuel, food, rest – and within this simplicity lay its
profound beauty.

By the last day of our trip, deep into Mexico while driving south from Mazatlán towards our final destination of Bucerías, we began to feel every bump and curve in the road as if it pulsated with the world’s rhythm.

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.” – Jack Kerouac

As a side-benefit from all of our miles on the road, we had come to embrace this perspective – that the road is an endless narrative, with nothing but possibility stretching out ahead.

Stories, like the Earth’s crust, are layered. So, too, are the experiences that will linger in our memory from this journey. Each mile was a new chapter, indelibly etched in the tire treads, carrying the essence of a hundred towns. We had embarked on this road trip not to flee from life but to ensure that life did not elude us.

Club business:
The election of board members will be held at the November
membership dinner meeting this week. Please keep in mind that even
though we currently have a nomination for 2024 Rear Commodore, we
always need and welcome volunteers to come forward and become
Put these on your calendar today:

  • Toys Ahoy Toy Drive is here and now – a wonderful LIYC holiday
    tradition that benefits the children of Lopez! AND – it will get you
    into the giving spirit!
  • December 9, Christmas Party *Please do not delay – sign up today!
  • Membership renewal is upon us. 2024 will be $10 more, And it
    continues to be such a minimal fee for so much fun and camaraderie!
  • Visit our LIYC website often to keep current on all of our club news!

May our waters continue to call us together, year after year, as we
celebrate the bonds we’ve formed and the memories we’ve made. A toast
to all of you brave LIYC seafarers!

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