Our October 21st General Membership Zoom meeting was well attended with over 50 members joining in. John Zaborsky arranged for an excellent speaker, Glen Wagner, who presented: “Anchoring with Confidence and Tips for Determining Where To Drop Your Anchor When in Small or Crowded Anchorages.”
With a saturated title such as this, you can imagine that the content was equally brimming with important and interesting information for any boater. For this reason there were many requests from members to ask Glen if we could publish his speaker notes so that we might study and savor all the technicalities of his talk. We’re happy he said yes.
Glen Wagner is a retired Ford Motor Service Engineer, a pilot, and more recently has been delivering boats for Ranger Tug and providing customer training. He also led a flotilla from Anacortes to Sitka, Alaska, and back in a Ranger 25. Thank you, Glen. He has graciously left his contact info in this viewable, printable pdf, if you have further questions.
Click below for speaker notes by Glen Wagner
(This is a large file, please allow time to download)