Dear LIYC members
The entire LIYC Board and I would like to thank you for your patience this year. With the new vaccines rolling out, the hope is that we will be open by summer with some much needed normalcy, but as we try and plan spring and summer events, we know we have to be flexible.
Lots to communicate, so here we go.
- Vice Commodore Dusty Forster is planning Opening Day events for the weekend of May 1, but the reality is, the date may change. This year’s opening day will be more an opening of the county and country than of the Yachting Season. So stay tuned and watch events unfold. Dusty has some great ideas and is working on a weekend full of fun activities, food, and drink.
- Rear Commodore Jan Wagner has scoped out some excellent Harbors going south and is thinking the “North Cruise” might go South as he will look closer at options in the March/ April time frame. Next time you see Jan, ask him about Belinda and his “Bubbles Cruise.”
- Your Grand Poobah, Commodore John Z, has booked Sydney June 18,19 for the Commodore Cruise, but I now think that may have been a bad idea, so stay tuned as I expect it will change.
- The Club will continue to have a General Meeting on the third Wednesday of the month on Zoom. The Zoom information is on LIYC Calendar General Meeting – Lopez Island Yacht Club, but I will also send it out before each meeting. January’s meeting was fun with Dusty’s LIYC TRIVA quiz. Paul Henriksen and Christa Campbell were the grand winners of a gift certificate for the Islander.
- Dusty has arranged an excellent program for our February meeting on the 17th. I’m looking forward to the program “Haida Gwaii by camper, ferry, and Zodiac” by Gene Helfman and Judy Meyer.
- “Web Wench,” Judy Welker, continues to improve and build on the LIYC Web Site. As we move forward, we plan to use the Web for communication, so you only have to go to one place to know what is happening, sign up for events and make payments. Judy has run into some technical issue getting PayPal integrated. She explained in detail the problems, but I will sum it up for everyone. It is Broke! Judy will Fix it. It will take a little more work and time, but it will be WAY COOL when done. With that said, it currently prevents us from accepting dues payments electronically. While the PayPal issues get resolved, you can send the renewal form and check to Barbara Carver LIYC Membership Renewal – Lopez Island Yacht Club. Our goal is to receive renewal dues by March so we can update the roster.
In closing, some fun stuff. First, please welcome our newest members Sam and Adria Alhadeff. Logon and introduce yourself Meet Sam and Adria Alhadeff – Lopez Island Yacht Club. Scott and Suzi Jennings are the proud owners of their new their yacht, “Blue Skies.” Scott sent in a lively story of how they became the proud owner of “Blue Skies.” It is a fun read Blue Skies – Lopez Island Yacht Club. And last but not least, don’t forget to send your Love letters to a boat to Migael Scherer in Call for Love Letters to a Boat – Lopez Island Yacht Club. After reading any post, consider leaving a comment to let the contributor know what you think about the content that was published. It’s a way to engage with fellow club members and a way to grow a stronger club community.
See you on the water soon,
~ John Zaborsky
Commodore LIYC
408 398 3476
John Zaborsky, our esteemed Commodore, is a retired lab manager with IBM. He now splits his time between Lopez Island fishing and crabbing, and Morgan Hill, CA, with his wife, Joyce. He is also our Grand Pooba Zoom meeting host. Thank you, John.