Hello Fellow Yacht Club Members, I want to bring you all up to speed on what’s happening, what’s going to happen, and what’s probably never going to happen.
First off, the terribly sad news. I wrote to you last month that on the heels of Rob McNeil’s passing, that Shanley Lett was also very ill with cancer. I also later wrote a note to you all that Shanley had passed away at their home in the company of Jim and their three daughters. It was an incredibly sorrowful moment for all of us and Jim and the siblings were all in our thoughts. However, I want to report that the outpouring of support for Jim and the family has been incredible. I talked to Jim yesterday for quite a while. He wanted me to tell all of you that he is O.K. and doing well as can be expected under the circumstances. He wants me to pass on how grateful he is for the support of our Lopez and Yacht Club community. He has received literally hundreds of cards, flowers, and messages of support. He wants to particularly thank the Tuesday afternoon “Game Girls” and many other Yacht Club women, (possibly men too) who showered him with love, food, and emotional assistance. He is particularly enjoying his patched quilt that was made by the Enchanted Quilters of Lopez and presented to him by Barbara Carver. Jim is hoping for a July service at the Center Valley Church sometime in July followed by a dinner at the community center.
Most of you know that the “Year in Review” program that usually happens sometime during the summer at our monthly meetings was Shanley’s presentation to review in pictures the wonderful times we had the previous year at our yacht club functions and gatherings. In my last newsletter I asked if anyone would be willing to step up and take on this wonderful tradition. (so far – crickets) Jim said that he has Shanley’s camera but has not reviewed what was on it. Claims he is not technically savvy enough to open it up and review the pictures on it. I for one believe him. He has indicated that if someone wanted to step up and help out with the picture download and a possible continuation of this wonderful event, he would gladly pass the camera on. THIS WOULD BE A WONDERFUL TRIBUTE TO SHANLEY.
The Yacht Club Board of Directors has continued meeting on Zoom thanks to John Zaborsky’s app download and his technological wizardry. We last met on April 15th. The major points of discussion were:
- We are still working on the possibility of a Clambake for June 7th but, as have all events, it will depend on the virus restrictions at the time. Dusty has still not heard back from the Flat Point people. Lane is assisting in the local contacts there. In the event that Flat Point residents resist having the event at this time, Dusty has offered his home on the beach as a possibility depending on circumstances at the time.
- As most of you know Shanley had been responsible for producing our newsletter each month in the past. We have not heard anybody stepping up to volunteer their services. So, the Board is looking at the possibility of integrating the newsletter into the Yacht Club website. Judy says it is definitely possible and will begin working on it.
- As you can imagine trying to make reservations for yacht club outings for the summer cruises is a thankless task right now. Many harbors are closed, many do not answer the phone, and the rest are not taking reservations right now. However, John and Dusty will move forward with the schedule and have that finalized as soon as they can. They will be keeping you informed as circumstances unfold.
- The Yacht Club had two applicants for the 2020 Youth Boating/Safety Award. They were the “Lopez /Seafaring and Voyaging Program” and the “Lopez Family Resource Center”. The scholarship awarded by LIYC is for $1000. Last year the scholarship was awarded to the Seafaring and Voyaging Program. As a requirement of the award the applicant must state a description of how the award must be used. The LFRC stated that the award would be used to purchase new life jackets and buoys with flags for their races and training. On the strength of this obvious vital need, the Board voted to award the scholarship to the Lopez Family Resource Center this year.
- The May General Membership meeting has been cancelled however the board meetings will continue and the next meeting is scheduled for May13th. Since the general membership will not have opportunity to speak out about issues happening or not happening while the meetings are in shutdown mode, I urge you to bring topics up for the board to discuss in May. Call either myself, Mike, John, or Dusty.
- The Adult Safety Program and the AED purchase and training is being suspended until group gatherings are once again happening.
Hope all of you are well and please stay safe. This will pass.
Your Commodore,
Russ Johnson

Russ Johnson, 2020 LIYC Commodore. He sailed 44 years as a master of towing vessels worldwide. Served as a Director of Safety, Training & Regulatory Compliance while at Dunlap Towing Company. Now utilizes his expertise in the field of maritime investigation and legal consulting.
Hello Fellow YC Members,
I wanted to reach out to all of you for a much anticipated announcement. Our much beloved Shanley Lett will be laid to rest at the little white church on Davis Bay Road on Saturday, July 25th. the family will be holding a small service in the church that will start at 4 pm. Sadly, due to COVID restrictions, they are limited to only 25 people inside the church. While the family would like all of her dear friends in the Yacht Club to be present, it is not safe to be inside.
However, the pastor has said that they can open windows and doors to the church allowing folks to be present outside at a safe distance but just not inside.
The family understands that many will choose to stay home under these trying circumstances and Jim and the rest of the family recognize this as well as all the support that the Yacht Club members have offered to date.
Your Commodore – Russ Johnson