As Soundings editor I need your help! Please write a short letter to Santa asking for something your boat wants or needs for next year’s cruising season. I’ll compile your letters into the next Soundings article: “Letters to Nautical Santa”. 

Keep your letter short—5 sentences max—and email it to me ( by Friday Dec 18. The article will be on the website before our December Yacht Club gathering. The more letters the better!

As an example, here’s our letter:

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year please bring us 3 new Goodyear Marathon Radial trailer tires (Load Range B, DOT PDJU T2Or 3100). I know I’m a boat, but I need tires in order to be launched and pulled out of the water. My current trailer tires are over 20 years old, and if one of them blows here on Lopez, where everyone knows everyone, I’ll be so embarrassed!


Bill and Migael Scherer’s 16-foot C Dory Scout  

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