
Get ready for some fun times ahead! Potluck dinner April 2o.  Opening day of boating season events weekend of May 5 & 6.

Dear mates,  

We all know that boat owners are generally  smart and friendly people because we are a  special breed. We know how to navigate life’s  choppy waters. If the weather is foul we can  make it to our destination. When we are out on  the water, we know how to work as a team to  make sure that everyone is safe and having a  good time. We have learned the value of a good  crew. We are willing to lend a hand to a fellow  seafarer in need. We not only know how to read charts, we can also fix things on the fly when they  inevitably break down.  

The camaraderie that we share extends beyond our  boats as well. Whether it’s a dockside barbecue, a  raft up party, or a membership dinner, on or off the water we know how to throw down and how to  have a good time. 

The upcoming April 20 membership potluck  dinner is going to be the perfect time to get out,  escape the stress of everyday life and swap stories  over a favorite beverage. You will have an excuse to  wear your nautical-themed clothing and channel  your inner pirate. We have club member and world  class photographer Leslie Richter presenting her  “Adventure to Antarctica”. You do not want to miss  this unique opportunity to hear about Leslie’s  adventure and see some of her photos!  

On the heels of our April 20 potluck comes  opening day of boating season on the weekend of  May 5 & 6. If you are sitting at home wondering  what to do that weekend remember that staying  connected to folks is easy through our club events.  I think of the past two or three years as the “covid  years” when most of us got used to being a little  more isolated and somewhat less social.  Consequently, I try to remember that socializing  helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It  also provides us with a sense of belonging, which  can help improve self-worth and mood.

Further, socializing with other people can help  improve cognitive abilities, boost our immune  systems, improve our physical health, reduce  loneliness, and increase our happiness!  

Voila! Just come to the membership dinner and  our opening day activities. Argh, matey! You  can’t miss! You will contribute to your overall  sense of well-being!  

Opening day weekend features a Friday evening  cocktail party which will include a lot of great  complimentary appetizers! It’s the perfect  opportunity to share stories about ideas for  summer adventures. A variety of events are  scheduled Saturday including the exciting 4th  Opening Day Challenge between LIYC vs Friday  Harbor Sailing Club in Fishermans Bay. The race  begins at 11 a.m. followed by dinghy races at 1  p.m. New boat christenings will be at 3 p.m. (let  us know in advance if you have a boat for  christening). If the weather is decent, there are  rumors of a margarita contest on the docks at  3:30 p.m. Dinner will commence at 4:30 p.m.,  including a trophy presentation for the winner of  the Challenge Cup and featuring Dusty and Sam’s famous  mouth-watering smash burgers!  

Dinner reservations for Saturday are required.  Please make your reservation early so that Dusty has an idea of how much food he needs to bring!  Go to the ship’s store on our website to make  your reservations. Dusty can help if you need  help with website login or have other website  questions.  

The Clam Bake is back at Flat Point on the first  weekend of June! As always, the Clam Bake is a  potluck affair and will feature 0ur traditional red  chowder from Arlene’s kitchen and Melissa’s  white clam chowder. Mmm! Plus Brian Duncan  will provide his incredible home brew! What a  party! The Clam Bake is always a perfect  opportunity to discuss summer cruise plans with  friends.  

Commodore Cruise plans are shaping up now.  Keep an eye on the website for details coming  very soon. 

Summer Cruise plans are available in amazing  detail on our website including an interactive  map. Wow! Some of the destinations on the cruise will be closing their reservation window  very soon! Do not delay making your  reservations.  

Don’t forget about the first ever Ling Cod Derby  on May 27. There will be an awards ceremony  and dinner following the derby. Visit our website  for updates and info – there are many ways  people can participate in the event.  

In past years, the Lopez Island 4th of July parade  has often included an entry from LIYC. So far,  we do not have any member volunteers to take  on that project for this year. Please get in touch  with me or anyone on the LIYC board if your  creativity and community spirit moves you in  that direction! 

Welcome aboard to new member David Saylor!  We look forward to seeing you at club events and  out on the water with your Nordhaven 43!  

Please login to our LIYC website regularly for  ongoing information and updates about opening  day events and all of our club activities. It is a  real commitment to keep our website going,  growing and evolving in order to meet club  needs. Dusty does an amazing job of maintaining it for us.  

Getting this month’s newsletter out to you puts  me in touch with gratitude, respect and empathy  for everybody in the club – past and present, who  has held a board position or in any way has been  actively involved in making the club function.  Thanks to you and all of the active members who  keep the ongoing LIYC traditions alive.  

Everyone keep ship-shape! I’ll meet you here  again at Commodore’s Corner next month!

Commodore Jan

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