Well what a way to end the year for our Yacht Club. Our Holiday Party was one to remember, I hope everyone had a great time! I again want to thank all of the board members for helping me throughout the year, you’re all amazing people! And to my wife for being there to make every event so special with all of our the table decorations…she has been the best! To our members, this club would not be here without ALL OF YOU…THANK YOU! I also want to thank everyone that participated in our “Toys Ahoy” event, this was something I started and will continue as long as the club will let me. I know we are not a “Charity” club, but I believe if we can help our community it will make a better island for all of us! Here are some photos to remember the night…thank you Judy Welker for providing most of these photos! The transfer of officers had its challenges, as we did not have all of the flags to present to our new incoming officers…and we had the surprise of Jan showing up…Grateful he was able to make it! With that said, I was honored to be your Commodore, thank you to all of our board and members. I will take away many memories and new friendships from this experience! I would encourage you to volunteer to to our club, it will only enrich your life and our members! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!

Our new Rear Commodore Melissa Rohde with her Roses!

Dusty accepting the past Commodores Apron.


  1. Fantastic to see the party in action and what great photos, thanks to all. We should have stayed up much later to enjoy everyone’s company.

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