Enjoy this audio visual montage of the historical journey taken by the brave Lopez Island Yacht Club Officers as they navigated the profound challenges posed by the 2020 global pandemic.
We are blessed as a club to not only to have had these heroic leaders, but also by our members who have weathered this storm and held on, buoyed by hope and most of all . . . humor.
We give you . . . A Christmas Story ~ 2020, a video production by our own Audrey Bordvick.
The link below takes you to a Vimeo site where it lives with other LIYC videos. Please log in to continue to the link. If you need help logging in, PLEASE call Judy, the Web Wench for immediate attention: 360-622-7021.
This content is restricted to LIYC club members. If you are an existing user, please log in. If you need help logging in, contact the Webwench (webwench@lopezislandyachtclub.com). Or call/text her for immediate attention 360-622-7021. We want all our members to participate!