Hello Fellow Yacht Club Members. Wanted to reach out once again to try to make sense of and do some planning for our yachting future in the year of the COVID 19. And also want to bring you up to speed on the LIYC Board discussions.
Rear Commodore, Dusty Forster, has been in touch with all the harbors nominated for the North Cruise. He reports, at this date, that all the harbors including Poets Cove, Ganges, Telegraph Harbor, Ladysmith, Genoa Bay, and Sydney will be open for the North Cruise time frame. It also looks like Canada will open its borders once again on June 21st. Dusty will be sending out the revised full schedule soon. The Clam Bake will not be held at Flat Point this year. However Dusty has volunteered his house on the beach to have the Clam Bake later on this year when (and if) gatherings of 50 or more people are allowed.
Judy Welker, our hardworking Web Wench has been working late nights on developing our new web site. I suffer from tech deficit disorder so cannot explain exactly how it works but its going to be very impressive. What I do know is that the web site will be the new platform for the Newsline. And the Newsline will be a collaborative affair where members can contribute their own posts to. Migael Scherer gave a presentation to the board that will assist members telling their stories and contribute to the Newsline. Migael has offered to bring members together through stories about boat projects, cruises, personal adventures, etc. She has a conversation with the members who wish to participate. She interviews them, writes up their story, and then posts it to the web site. She has interviewed 4 people so far and their stories are posted as the “Soundings” feature under “Newsline” on new site. All members are invited to contribute directly to the Newsline going forward. Judy reports that she will have the new web site fully up and running in the next two weeks and she will be reaching out to all of you about log-in instructions.
Other big news is that Audrey Bordvick has stepped forward and has created a Year in Review presentation and memorial in honor of Rob McNeil and Shanley Lett. Many of the pictures are downloaded from Shanley’s camera. Other pictures came from various yacht club members and some from the “Game Girls”. I have had the fortune of previewing the presentation and will confirm that it is a work of art and not to be missed.
The format for the Year in Review will be a General Membership Meeting. The meeting will be held via Zoom at 5 pm on June 17th. John Zaborsky and I will be working on the details and will be sending out instructions in the next few days. But mark your calendars and save that time. Grab a cocktail and enjoy.
Be well, stay safe. See you all on June 17th.
Your Commodore ~ Russ Johnson
Russ Johnson, 2020 LIYC Commodore. He sailed 44 years as a master of towing vessels worldwide. Served as a Director of Safety, Training & Regulatory Compliance while at Dunlap Towing Company. Now utilizes his expertise in the field of maritime investigation and legal consulting.