Rick began sailing with a trip to the San Juans in a 27’ Thunderbird; plywood sailboat in 1970.   
He and a friend left Shilshole Marina early in the morning and rounded Iceberg Point on Lopez
Island about 20 hours later.  That was a big adventure. Tracey learned to sail in an all-women’s sailing class on Lake Union in 1982. And that was a big adventure too.
Since that time, Tracey and Rick have sailed the coast of Mexico on a couple of occasions in a
38’ Catamaran with friends and “power” cruised many times into the Gulf and San Juan Islands
in a 38’ Helmsman charter.  We have also sailed around San Juans for several years on a time
share charter sailboat.  In addition, we owned Freedom 38 (single mast sailboot) for 6 years and
sailed in the Puget Sound Region.  This past summer we were part of a flotilla that managed a
month-long journey to the Broughton Archipelago cruising in a 42’Nordic Tug. We have enjoyed
the convenience and variety of chartering several different marine vessels.
We currently have a Grady White 22’ Power Boat (that we have owned for 35 years). It’s been
an amazing boat, and we still catch an occasional salmon and on good days round up the
occasional crab.

To the Membership:

Please say hello to Rick and Tracey and welcome them into our club.

In accordance with the club’s By-laws, they have completed all the requirements of sending in their application, initiation fees, photo, etc. Publishing their photo and bio is the last step in the process. After ten days for comments from the membership, the governing board will vote for membership.

Members can send comments to our Commodore, Melissa Rohde.

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