Chuck and Janet have owned their Lopez house for 33 years. The saying being ” we bought a dock,and a house came with it.”
Being on the water is a lifestyle for them which includes commercial fishing in Alaska, river running, cruising and day sailing. You will find Chuck out on Fish Bay whenever possible in one of his small homemade daysailers or row boats.
Chuck grew up sailing in New England and has never had a time in his life when he was without at least one sailboat not to mention various other forms of boats.
Janet learned to sail as a teen on a lake and continued her education with Chucks expertise.
To the Membership:
Please say hello to Chuck and Janet and welcome them into our club.
In accordance with the club’s By-laws, they have completed all the requirements of sending in their application, initiation fees, photo, etc. Publishing their photo and bio is the last step in the process. After ten days for comments from the membership, the governing board will vote for membership.
Members can send comments to our Commodore, Melissa Rohde.